Bologna Strength: WOD 24.3.20

#iorestoacasa Workout


EMOM 15’:

Minute 1: 20 Air Squats

Minute 2: 45” Knee Plank Hold

Minute 3: 15 Cleans (cassa d’acqua)

For the cleans you can use a plate, dumbbells, cassa d’acqua, zaino con peso or any other light object.

Rest 3’ and then perform…

4 sets of

AMRAP 2 minutes of:

15 Sit Ups

10 push up

Max reps of Mountain Climbers in remaining time.

Rest for 60 seconds

Then Rest 3’ and perform:

4 round of

AMRAP 2 minutes of:

20 Step-Ups

Max reps of Single leg V-Ups in remaining time.

Rest for 60”


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