Mercoledi 14.2.24


EMOM for 10’

2 Power Snatch (no T&G)


EMOM 12:00 alternating

Even) 16 Wall Balls

Odd) 12 TT Rings

Then max Double Unders

until the end of the minute.

Giovedi 15.2.24


For time / Cap 24:00

800m Run

15 Floating DL 40/30kg

750m Row

15 Strict HSPU (sc. Box)

1:00 Plank on Elbows

600m Run

12 Floating DL 40/30kg

500m Row

12 Strict HSPU (sc. Box)

1:00 Plank on Elbows

400m Run

9 Floating DL 40/30kg

250m Row

9 Strict HSPU (sc. Box)



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