Mercoledi 21.2.24


Every 1:30 x 7, build

2 Hang Pow Cleans + 2 Front Squats


Complete 2 rounds of

30 KB Am. Swings 24/16kg

30 TT Rings

20 KB Goblet Squats 24/16kg

20 Abmat Sit Ups

10 KB Push Press (5/lato) 24/16kg

3 Rope Climbs

Cap time 12:00


Giovedi 22.2.24


Amrap 24:00 of

800m Medley Run (200m x 2 each)

50 Total Thrusters 20/15kg (IGYG)

10 Syncro Burpees Over

240 Medley DU Jumps (60 DU x 2 each)

50 Total OHS 20/15kg (IGYG)

10 Syncro Barbell Sit Ups



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