Mercoledi 7.2.24


Every 2:00 for 5 Supersets

4 reps of Deadlifts no TG

10 Alt. Walking Front Rack Lunges 2DB 


Complete 3 sets


12 Burpees Box Jumps

Max Rope Climbs


14 2DB Hang Squat Clean 22.5/15kg

Max Abmat Sit Ups


Giovedi 8.2.24


2 Rounds of 3 Tabata of 4 mins with 1’ rest

(4-1-4-1-4-1 x 2 rounds, total 29 mins)

1) 7.5m x 2 Shuttle Run

2) Burpee Target alt. with Pull Ups

3) Back Squats alt. with Push Ups



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