Alternating EMOM 12
1) 5-10 Push Ups, tempo 30X3: scendi in 3”, 3” fermo in top position
2) 10 Staggered* Romanian DL 5+5 (Cassa D’acqua, Kb o Db) tempo 4X01
* un piede rimane più avanti dell’altro, poi cambio

On the 0:00…
3 Rounds of 10 burpees + 20 Mountain Climbers + 20 air Squats
Then 50 Low Hang Power Snatch PVC
On the 8:00…
2 Rounds of 10 burpees + 20 Mountain Climbers + 20 air Squats
Then 40 Low Hang Split Snatch PVC (alternating Legs)
On the 16:00…
1 Round of 10 burpees + 20 Mountain Climbers + 20 air Squats
then 30 Snatch Balance PVC


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