1. Strength – For Weight
3″ Deficit Deadlift
10×3 @60% 1RM Conventional Deadlift
Focus on leg drive in the first pull – be aggressive squeezing glutes to push hips through as the bar passes your knee.

1.b Skill
HS Walk

2. Conditioning
8 Clean and Jerk 70/50
18mt HS Walk
8 Clean and Jerk
45 Pull Ups
8 Clean and Jerk
18mt HS Walk
8 Clean and Jerk
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
8 Clean and Jerk
18mt HS Walk
8 Clean and Jerk
15 Bar Muscle Ups
Target Time: 14-22 minutes
*More Options
– 4 Wall Climbs instead of HS Walks


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