Mercoledì 12 Febbraio

Bologna Strength BLQ: WOD 12.2.20 Strength  4 rounds / on the 3:00 1 Round of “Macho Man”: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks / salendo di peso Conditioning For Time: Buy-In: 15 Clusters  3 Rounds: 15 Clean & Jerk 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Cash-Out: 15 Clusters  60/40  

Martedì 11 Febbraio

Bologna Strength BLQ: WOD 11.2.20 EMOM Gymnastics  10 mins alternating EMOM 30” max reps Hspu (strict) 30” off 30” max reps TTB (strict) 30” off Conditioning  AMRAP 12: 8 Burpees over the plate 8 alt OH plate Lunges 4/4 32 Double Unders

Sabato 8 febbraio

Bologna Strength BLQ: WOD 8.2.20 Conditioning Open Workout 17.1 For time (cap 20’) 10 Alt. Db Snatch 22.5/15kg 15 Burpees Box Jumps Over 20 Alt. Db Snatch 22.5/15kg 15 Burpees Box Jumps Over 30 Alt. Db Snatch 22.5/15kg 15 Burpees Box Jumps Over 40 Alt. Db Snatch 22.5/15kg 15 Burpees Box Jumps Over 50 Alt. […]

Giovedi 6 febbraio

Bologna Strength BLQ: WOD 6.2.20 Endurance Conditioning AMRAP 5: 60m Walking Lunge (No Weight) 35 AbMat Sit-ups Max Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 5: 30m Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (22.5/15) 50 AbMat Sit-ups Max Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 5: 60m Walking Lunge (No Weight) 50 AbMat Sit-ups Max Calorie Row

Martedì 4 Febbraio

Bologna Strength BLQ: WOD 4.2.20 Body Armour: Alternating On the Minute x 12 (3 Rounds): Minute 1: 8 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts Minute 2: 30% Max Strict Handstand Pushups Minute 3: 10 TTB Minute 4: 30% Max Strict Handstand Pushups Conditioning AMRAP 15: Buy-In: 1000m Row / 50 cal AB / 800m Run Max Rounds in […]


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