Martedì 31 marzo

Bologna Strength BLQ+SMD+CUU #iorestoacasa WOD Martedì 31 Marzo Complete rounds of the following at 70-80% effort for 8 minutes: 10 Squats (loaded or unloaded) 10 Standing Ground to Sky Touches 10 Alternating Lunges 5 ½ Burpees  Workout 8 Rounds of 16 Jump Overs Box or Step Up Over 14 Sit Ups  12 Reverse Lunges Rest :30 

Lunedi 30 marzo

Bologna Strength BLQ+SMD+CUU #iorestoacasa WOD Lunedì 30 Marzo Two sets of: 60 second Double Unders 30 seconds of Shoulder press From Seated (cassa d’acqua/zaino con peso) 60 seconds of Bodyweight Alternating Cossack Squats 30 seconds of Plank Hold 30 seconds of Push-Ups @ 21X1 30 second Static Hold in Bottom of a Goblet Squat Workout […]

Venerdì 27 marzo

Bologna Strength: WOD 27.3.20 #iorestoacasa Workout Conditioning Two Sets: (9’) 30” Plank Shoulder Taps 30” Air Squats 30” Rest 30” Plank Walks  (15” each direction) 30” Jumping Squats 30” Rest 30” Wall Climbs su muro o sedia (or Handstand Hold) 30” Burpee Broad Jumps 30” rest Conditioning  AMRAP 16’ 10 pistols 12 dips 14 rows […]

Giobedì 26 marzo

Bologna Strength: WOD 26.3.20 #iorestoacasa Workout Core Two sets of: 60” Inchworms 60” Plank Hold from Elbows 60” Alternating Reverse Lunges 30” Wall Sit Hold 30” Shoulder Taps from Plank Position Conditioning   EMOM 20’ (5 sets)  Minute 1: 10-15 Push up Minute 2: 30 seconds of Max Reps Down Ups Minute 3: 10-15 Thrusters […]

Martedì 24 marzo

Bologna Strength: WOD 24.3.20 #iorestoacasa Workout Conditioning  EMOM 15’: Minute 1: 20 Air Squats Minute 2: 45” Knee Plank Hold Minute 3: 15 Cleans (cassa d’acqua) For the cleans you can use a plate, dumbbells, cassa d’acqua, zaino con peso or any other light object. Rest 3’ and then perform… 4 sets of AMRAP 2 […]

Lunedi 23 marzo

Bologna Strength: WOD 23.3.20 #iorestoacasa Workout Core  6’ EMOM sit ups Knee in & twists Dead bug Knee to elbow crunches 30” Side right leg raises 30” side left leg raises 1’ leg raises  Conditioning For Time: 10 Lunges + 50 Double-Unders 20 Lunges + 50 Double-Unders 30 Lunges + 50 Double-Unders 40 Lunges + […]

Sabato 14 Marzo

“MCDONALD & GALAGHER” 2 Rounds for Time 200 meter Run 16 Kettlebell Swings 24/16 16 Pull-Ups 16 Front Squats 50/30 200 meter Run 14 Kettlebell Swings 14 Pull-Ups 14 Front Squats 200 meter Run 12 Kettlebell Swings 12 Pull-Ups 12 Front Squats

Venerdì 13 Marzo

1. Strength Hang Squat Snatch 6 rounds × 3 @70% of your 1RM 3. Interval – For Reps 3 Rounds AMRAP :30 Max Rep Shoulder to OH 70/50 AMRAP :30 Box Jump Over AMRAP :30 Max Rep Shoulder to OH AMRAP :30 Box Jump Over Rest 1:30 Target Score: 10 reps per interval


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